Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Ntar lagi ulangan umum
Mati ya?
Mati ajalah...
Mati ngajak2 lagi...

Friday, May 26, 2006

Bad Day!

Gw ilangin hedset!
Kalo ngembaliin sesuatu jangan bilang:
"Gw pinjem tu barang ampe mati."

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


enaknya ngaco...
biar bikin pusing orang yang nyebelin!


aku : eh lo berdua!
2 : apaan?
aku : lo keluar ajalah! nyempitin aja!

hey, damn you 3 are!

hey you three!
stop your f**king sh*t!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Ada yang bagus ga?

Film apa yang lagi ada di bioskop + rame?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Ga jelas!

Hai teman2,
Aku mohon do’a restu dari kalian
Doain supaya aku tidak sekelas ama ‘The Ones that Bad’ (ya…yang bandel2 gitulah kasarnya)
Katanya sih anak2 Utld mau disekelasin ama mereka
Kalo iya, Hancur masa depankoe!
Karena itu doain…
Anda akan mendapat pahala
Oya, katanya nanti kelas 3 mau dibuat 3.1-3.10
3.10 yang paling pinter, 3.1 yang paling ancur
ga adil donk!


Jangan pernah tidur di kelas!
Boleh aja sih 1 2 kali,
Tapi baeknya jangan deh!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Save The Writing Book!

Eh, kenapa kalo ulangan harus ngerobek buku ya?
2 lembar lagi, padahal nanti Cuma kepakai 1 lembar doang.
Kan sayang bukunya dirobekin terus! Boros!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday Untitled! Today is our Mayday!
Di tanggal ini akhirnya kita ngumpul bareng lagi.
Thanks for the laughter and the sadness things you share
And the wonderful things we had.
Juga buat kuenya.
Trus colek2an kuenya.
(Siapa yang paling ancur mukanya?)

Monday, May 01, 2006


Dear MBFs,

What are we goin’ to do next?
Where are we goin’ now?
I don’t want to make this long trip feel nothing
It has been a long time not to see ya again
Walkin’ 2gether, havin’ fun.
Seems like each body enjoys this blinding life alone.
Not in unity like Black Eyed Peas says.
Everybody doesn’t care at each other
So, what’s the meaning of our one year old?
What’s the meaning of our diary.
I don’t know where the hell the diary is.
What is May 5th for, and photo for?

It’s been a long time that we’ve been break up.
Each walks in different ways.
Some don’t want to walk.
Some walk with the strangers.
Some spend the nice time alone in the room, thinkin’ about what happened to his/her love, or finishing homeworks.
Where is the meaning of Unity?
And what about friendship?
Where am I gonna put my face on.
After seeing the other community in unity?
When was the last time that all members stay in?
How could this happen to us?
I don’t need anything luxury
Yeah, maybe some time I lose my valuables.
But, I don’t wan to lose Untitled
Lose my best friends.

Next year,
We won’t able to keep in touch like today.

Sometimes I feel like I don’t have a partner
Sometimes I feel Like my only friend
Is the city I livin’
The city of angels?
Lonely as I am,
Together we cry…
(Under The Bridge, RHCP)